I went to see two doc­tor’s today about my nag­ging right ankle injury today. The ver­dict isn’t bad: I need to rest and take stronger anti-inflam­ma­to­ries. Just a lit­tle ten­donitis, which for me is famil­iar ter­ri­to­ry. Tonight I’ve been icing and doing some house­clean­ing. Literally.

I’ve been lis­ten­ing to the lat­est Black Moth Super Rain­bow EP, Drip­pers, and the new Grouper album, Drag­ging a Dead Deer Up a Hill. Both seem to real­ly fit a drea­ry evening here in Philadel­phia. I’ll prob­a­bly lis­ten to weird Poc­a­haunt­ed cas­settes to nail the tri­fec­ta in a bit, or maybe the new Grails record instead. I guess I’ve reached the time of year when I set aside the R&B and pop and start lis­ten­ing to more noise and folk.

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