I’ve had a pretty great week.

August is with­out ques­tion our busiest month. We had din­ner at Le Vir­tu with our friends Bri­an and Adela Mon­day night. We cel­e­brat­ed our third anniver­sary at the Water­works Restau­rant on Tues­day. Yes­ter­day was my thir­ty-first birth­day, which we enjoyed with a brief stop at the South Philly Tap Room fol­lowed by a Phillies win. Tonight we went on a grilling ram­page as we attempt­ed to emp­ty our fridge and freez­er to make room for all the good­ies Helen’s prepar­ing for a friend’s upcom­ing wed­ding show­er. Tomor­row night I leave for a bach­e­lor par­ty in the Poconos, com­plete with a day at the races. August is only beginning.

(I’ll write about the restau­rants lat­er. I’d nev­er been to any of them. Each had its charm, but there were some delight­ful flaws just to keep it interesting.)