My Issue with Apple

I went to the Apple Store in Cher­ry Hill yes­ter­day morn­ing to get my Mac­book top­case repaired for the third time. I went to the Genius Bar and told the guy that my key­board cracked while they replaced my fried hard dri­ve. I fig­ured they’d hear me out, under­stand that there was some­thing fun­da­men­tal­ly wrong with my com­put­er and replace the unit alto­geth­er. What was there to lose, right? It’s pret­ty much a blank slate since I haven’t uploaded but a hand­ful of pho­tos to it.

Fat chance.

I was told the stock top­case was faulty, but that the sub­se­quent replace­ments were rein­forced. Then why have I been back twice since, I asked. Must’ve been some­thing I did wrong, although the Apple rep was care­ful not to blame me out­right. Sil­ly me. What could I know about a prod­uct that’s been noth­ing but an annoy­ance since I bought it. The cus­tomer is nev­er right, huh?

The fun did­n’t end there. When I asked if he could show me how to sync my iPhone to my repaired Mac­book, he almost laughed. Not only did he tell me that my iPhone looked pret­ty beat­en and bat­tered — I guess that’s what all Apple employ­ees are trained to say about prod­ucts that are a whop­ping two years old — he told me that I would­n’t be able to sync my phone to the new com­put­er with­out restor­ing it to fac­to­ry set­tings. Sweet! You mean I can lose all of my apps? Great!

Need­less to say, it’s a mess, and I’m not sure what recourse I have. I guess this is what I get for jump­ing aboard the Apple band­wag­on just as the com­pa­ny was rock­et­ing into the stratos­phere. Fun­nier still, this nev­er hap­pened to me with all the PCs I’ve owned since 1996.

My Macbook Problems

Tomor­row I’m head­ed back to the Apple Store at the Cher­ry Hill Mall to fix a prob­lem that began late last year when my hard dri­ve cooked right inside my Mac­book. I went and got the disk replaced in April, but I haven’t real­ly recov­ered from the expe­ri­ence. Sure, my com­put­er works and has a brand spankin’ new OS, but you know what, that’s not good enough.

I went in there and got great ser­vice, no ques­tion, but it did­n’t go above and beyond. While my com­put­er was being repaired, the key­board cracked for the third time. The third time! I know this is a design flaw that was fixed when they rolled out the new Mac­book. You’d think if they’re replac­ing the hard dri­ve any­way, they’d notice the crack in the key­board and just toss the whole thing. There’s noth­ing to save, right?

That’s my aim when I go in tomor­row. I’m going to be upfront with them and let them know that the issues I’ve had with this com­put­er were nev­er prob­lems with the PCs I’ve owned, even the cooked hard dri­ve. It’s frus­trat­ing to pay a pre­mi­um for a supe­ri­or machine, love it, and have so many issues. Wish me luck!

My Macbook Needs Help

I recent­ly had a stroke of bad luck with my oth­er­wise mar­velous Mac­book. It was act­ing fun­ny, so I tried to restart. It stalled out and I tried doing a hard reboot.


I found myself star­ing at a grey screen, the fan whirring out of con­trol. Fun!

Now I’m try­ing to fig­ure out whether I should take it to an Apple store, or just vis­it a repair ser­vice now that my Apple­care term has ended. 

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