I Want to Like Kenny Powers

But I can’t help but feel like it’s a base­ball-cen­tric Entourage, with John­ny Dra­ma in the lead role.

Hav­ing said that, I enjoyed East­bound and Down this morn­ing. Stayed up way too late watch­ing TV last night. Mad Men, Board­walk Empire and East­bound and Down in one night? How am I sup­posed to catch up on Bored to Death? Do peo­ple still watch that? Or is that borne of an Ander­son guilt com­plex in me, where­by I real­ly want to like any­thing that reads as an homage to Truffaut?

Also, can some­one explain to me why the Board­walk Empire intro is like Dead­liest Catch, but with bot­tles instead of crabs?