An Empty Glass on the Nightstand

Pun­ish­ment, then, will tend to become the most hid­den part of the penal process. This has sev­er­al con­se­quences: it leaves the domain of more or less every­day per­cep­tion and enters that of abstract con­scious­ness; its effec­tive­ness is seen as result­ing from its inevitabil­i­ty, not from its vis­i­ble inten­si­ty; it is the cer­tain­ty of being pun­ished and not the hor­ri­fy­ing spec­ta­cle of pub­lic pun­ish­ment that must dis­cour­age crime; the exem­plary mechan­ics of pun­ish­ment changes its mech­a­nisms. As a result, jus­tice no longer takes pub­lic respon­si­bil­i­ty for the vio­lence that is bound up with its practice.

- Michel Fou­cault, Dis­ci­pline & Punish

Mar­i­on Brown — “27 Coop­er Square”