Pearls and Brass, with Photon Band and Jack Rose @ The Khyber. 9 p.m.
Let’s not belabor the point: Pearls and Brass are unabashedly the product of past generations of Delta and South Side bluesmen, Nuggets era Anglo-American psych rockers, and the pantheon of classic rock icons. There’s nothing particularly weird or peculiar about them and there’s no self-conscious gimmick either. This isn’t to suggest that Huth’s head should appear on the heavy metal totem pole with Iommi, Page and Clapton, but when it comes to classic rock’s minor histories, the devil is in the details, and there’s something worthwhile in that lineage. You could always ask Boogie Witch, or you might just see for yourself.
Taste — “What’s Going On”
Pearls and Brass — “No Stone”
2 responses to “On The Boards”
So how was Jack Rose? He’s originally from the town where I now live (Fredericksburg, VA) and I always try to keep up with what people think. Kind of a legend if you walk into any of our downtown music stores.
Jack’s great. I think he’s tending toward being taken for granted in much the same way Bardo Pond are around here, but his playing never grows tiresome to me. Seeing him open for Sir Richard Bishop of Sun City Girls some time ago was revelatory; Friday night it was just good to see him play to a full room of unacquainted Pearls & Brass fans. If it hadn’t been for Photon Band, there would’ve been a great interplay from one band to the next, but that’s just my anti-indie rock bias peeking out.