On The Boards

Pearls and Brass, with Pho­ton Band and Jack Rose @ The Khy­ber. 9 p.m.

Let’s not bela­bor the point: Pearls and Brass are unabashed­ly the prod­uct of past gen­er­a­tions of Delta and South Side blues­men, Nuggets era Anglo-Amer­i­can psych rock­ers, and the pan­theon of clas­sic rock icons. There’s noth­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly weird or pecu­liar about them and there’s no self-con­scious gim­mick either. This isn’t to sug­gest that Huth’s head should appear on the heavy met­al totem pole with Iom­mi, Page and Clap­ton, but when it comes to clas­sic rock­’s minor his­to­ries, the dev­il is in the details, and there’s some­thing worth­while in that lin­eage. You could always ask Boo­gie Witch, or you might just see for yourself.

Taste — “What’s Going On”

Pearls and Brass — “No Stone”

2 responses to “On The Boards”

  1. Alex Avatar

    So how was Jack Rose? He’s orig­i­nal­ly from the town where I now live (Fred­er­icks­burg, VA) and I always try to keep up with what peo­ple think. Kind of a leg­end if you walk into any of our down­town music stores.

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    Jack­’s great. I think he’s tend­ing toward being tak­en for grant­ed in much the same way Bar­do Pond are around here, but his play­ing nev­er grows tire­some to me. See­ing him open for Sir Richard Bish­op of Sun City Girls some time ago was rev­e­la­to­ry; Fri­day night it was just good to see him play to a full room of unac­quaint­ed Pearls & Brass fans. If it had­n’t been for Pho­ton Band, there would’ve been a great inter­play from one band to the next, but that’s just my anti-indie rock bias peek­ing out.