Re-writing the Dictionary of Received Ideas.

Gustave Flaubert

Thus “style” was born: this was Flaubert’s sec­ond gift to nov­el­ists, and one they are as like­ly to curse him for as to thank him. Of course, writ­ers before Flaubert had ago­nized about style: don’t we feel that Jane Austen was a ruth­less cen­sor of super­fluity? But no nov­el­ist ago­nized as much or as pub­licly, no nov­el­ist fetishized the poet­ry of the sen­tence in the same way, no nov­el­ist pushed to such an extreme the poten­tial alien­ation of form and con­tent (a book “about nothing”).

The God­head, revealed.

One response to “Re-writing the Dictionary of Received Ideas.”

  1. stinkcheattorture Avatar

    i feel like we just showed up to the gram­mies in the same dress.