A steady diet of running.

Pumas - April 22, 2006

In case you did­n’t know, I’ve been select­ed for Philebri­ty Fit Club thus can­celling my mem­ber­ship to The Seden­tary Life Affil­i­ates, a fra­ter­ni­ty to which I’d clung lo these six years, trans­fer­ring mem­ber­ship from New York to Pennsport.

So as not to bog down Black­mail Is My Life with a dai­ly account­ing of food­stuffs, run­ning, sundry aches and the phar­ma­col­o­gy that keeps it all togeth­er, I’ve launched with a great mea­sure of Pennsport Pride This Sport­ing Life at Myspace. Vis­it there if you’d like to keep tabs, but I’ll prob­a­bly include a week­ly link every Sat­ur­day through June 17th, accom­pa­nied by a pic­ture of these new sneak­ers as they endure more wear and tear.