Is this really happening?

Karl Rove

Word is that an indict­ment will come down short­ly for Karl Rove for his involve­ment in the Valerie Plame affair. But don’t yelp your war whoop just yet. As help­ful as it may be for this admin­is­tra­tion to crum­ble beneath the weight of its own hubris and cor­rup­tion, it’s those fac­tors and not any mean­ing­ful oppo­si­tion that’s bring­ing them down. There will be protests this week­end and nei­ther par­ty will be very inter­est­ed in the goings-on, as much as their rank and file will be.

So breathe a sigh of relief if Rove is actu­al­ly indict­ed, know­ing that his career of chi­canery has end­ed for the time being. Remem­ber Ollie North?