Down the rabbit hole.

Dear Alice

Apolo­gies for the extend­ed absence. Late­ly I’ve been fol­low­ing one of The New York Times’ sev­er­al blogs, Deal­Book in par­tic­u­lar. In lieu of access to Wall Street Jour­nal, this offers up inter­est­ing tid­bits per­ti­nent to Marx­ist cri­tique. Every­thing is mon­ey, you see, and there are no exemptions.

Recent nota­bles includ­ed an inter­est­ing look at the art world on the occa­sion of a Picas­so sold at auc­tion for a record price as well as some insight into what’s hap­pen­ing in music own­er­ship and pub­lish­ing rights. Sure­ly this isn’t every­one’s cup of tea, but unlike less pro­fes­sion­al blogs at Philadel­phi­a’s local paper, these are gen­uine­ly use­ful and gen­er­al­ly inter­est­ing to the layper­son. Think of it as my way of say­ing hats off to the late Louis Rukeyser, who entered my child­hood as I watched my father scrib­ble notes care­ful­ly as he spoke.