Notes on Excepter, Edan, Prefuse 73 and The Coup, Boris and Espers forthcoming, as well as commentary on the recent New York Times Magazine feature on Sunn and Boris.
In re Wray’s article, see Mike Powell’s thoughts here and George Steele’s there first. Sunn as mystique or pastiche, charlatan or reification? Whither drone?
More regular publication forthwith. Promise.
2 responses to “Pick a bigger weapon?”
i’m anxious to see if you have an opinion on the boards of canada ep. i agree with pitchfork, wihich is to say the emperor is naked.
also, looking forward to your thoughts on the boris. i’ve heard it and still can’t decide. are they the new miles david (circa 1959) cool in the disguise of music? i feel like theres a technical savvy at work on pink (maybe its always been there?) that i’ll quite simply never understand. but something collected and very cool transcends the difficulty. cool, yes, i think…
Boris, like many Japanese psych/metal acts before them, are just inexplicably cooler than their American counterparts. To be as enthusiastic as Boris, American art would have to change dramatically. Despite their cool reservation on record, they are batshit crazy and loud live. More soon.