Pick a bigger weapon?


Notes on Excepter, Edan, Prefuse 73 and The Coup, Boris and Espers forth­com­ing, as well as com­men­tary on the recent New York Times Mag­a­zine fea­ture on Sunn and Boris.

In re Wray’s arti­cle, see Mike Pow­ell’s thoughts here and George Steele’s there first. Sunn as mys­tique or pas­tiche, char­la­tan or reifi­ca­tion? Whith­er drone?

More reg­u­lar pub­li­ca­tion forth­with. Promise.

2 responses to “Pick a bigger weapon?”

  1. stinkcheattorture Avatar

    i’m anx­ious to see if you have an opin­ion on the boards of cana­da ep. i agree with pitch­fork, wihich is to say the emper­or is naked.

    also, look­ing for­ward to your thoughts on the boris. i’ve heard it and still can’t decide. are they the new miles david (cir­ca 1959) cool in the dis­guise of music? i feel like theres a tech­ni­cal savvy at work on pink (maybe its always been there?) that i’ll quite sim­ply nev­er under­stand. but some­thing col­lect­ed and very cool tran­scends the dif­fi­cul­ty. cool, yes, i think…

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    Boris, like many Japan­ese psych/metal acts before them, are just inex­plic­a­bly cool­er than their Amer­i­can coun­ter­parts. To be as enthu­si­as­tic as Boris, Amer­i­can art would have to change dra­mat­i­cal­ly. Despite their cool reser­va­tion on record, they are bat­shit crazy and loud live. More soon.