Morton Feldman as Himself in: Give My Regards to Eighth Street!

Morton Feldman

From the New York­er:

Leg­end has it that after one group of play­ers had crept their way as qui­et­ly as pos­si­ble through a score of his Feld­man barked, “It’s too fuckin’ loud, and it’s too fuckin’ fast.”

Feld­man’s Rothko Chapel con­dens­es so much feel­ing into so lit­tle space that, giv­en the empha­sis he placed on time and patience and the volu­mi­nous emo­tion­al depth of his work, it’s strange that such a mov­ing trib­ute would be so brief and so accessible.

[See also: Mor­ton Feld­man says]