Schoenberg, Webern & Varese in: Three Satires!

Bjork, w/ Arnold Schoenberg

If you’re inter­est­ed in clas­si­cal and new music works, look no fur­ther than Clas­si­cal Con­nec­tion and Le Roi S’a­muse. They make me wish Woe­bot was right about this Xenakis biog­ra­phy. [It’s real­ly not in print. Le sigh.]

For­tu­nate­ly, good friend and Deci­bel Mag­a­zine art direc­tor Paul Romano made me like 1,000 min­utes of insane mp3 rips of noise and avant-garde com­po­si­tion that I may final­ly begin to unpack. Once I’ve found those pesky cd-rs I’ll try to post a few lengthy aton­al mp3s to sample.

One response to “Schoenberg, Webern & Varese in: Three Satires!”

  1. Parker Catalano Avatar

    It looks like Bjork next to him, but I can’t tell. Either way she def­i­nite­ly needs some seri­ous orches­tra­tion with her shit. Got­ta love it.