Boredoms vs. Vooredoms in: The Purloined Belles Lettres!

From my debut at Philadel­phia Week­ly:

When noise artists Bore­doms replaced Green Day as the open­ing act for Philadel­phi­a’s Lol­la­palooza stop in 1994, it came as some­thing of a com­mer­cial shock and a thought-pro­vok­ing rev­e­la­tion. Bore­doms’ apoplec­tic per­for­mance proved both excit­ing and mem­o­rable as singer Yamat­su­ka Eye fre­quent­ly leapt from the stage, much to secu­ri­ty’s dis­may. Fet­ed by the likes of Son­ic Youth and Nir­vana, hav­ing toured with both bands, they were tout­ed by crit­ics for their quirky pri­mal scream­ing and Freudi­an noise rock. Then, as quick­ly as they’d arrived on the Amer­i­can aur­al land­scape, they dis­ap­peared. Now the Bore­doms are again ready to share their epicycli­cal ener­gy with Amer­i­can audi­ences, play­ing Philadel­phia as one of only six U.S. dates.

Voore­doms aka Bore­doms, w/ Light­ning Bolt & Hrvats­ki @ Starlight Ball­room aka Club Polaris. Sold out.

[By way of expla­na­tion, this was sub­mit­ted as a 500 word fea­ture that had to be cut for space. Oh and if you need a tick­et, let me know in the com­ments box.]