Blackmail Is My Life vs. Internet in: How DJ Rupture Co-wrote Epistemology for the iTunes Crowd!

Do androids dream of electric sheep?

It’s peri­od­ic updates, tips, hints, clues like this that I’d avoid­ed so dili­gent­ly up until this after­noon, when it dawned on me that unlike con­di­tions in Lang’s Metrop­o­lis, that me vis-a-vis my com­put­er, the inter­net and any­thing per­tain­ing there­in is with­in my con­trol, rather than vice ver­sa. Thus I entered the won­der­ful and fright­en­ing world of Fire­fox exten­sions and plug-ins and ven­tured down the rab­bit­hole whose alias is the seduc­tive infor­ma­tion :: Gmail search: email, so it’s either a bless­ing or a curse, but only if you believe that there are still ways to pre­serve your pri­va­cy despite the best efforts of, well, gov­ern­ment and the pri­vate sec­tor. To the good, you can nav­i­gate the web while main­tain­ing the appear­ance of hav­ing vis­it­ed just one site that isn’t okayed by your boss!

Pish posh, right? Where’s the fun in all that! Let me reit­er­ate though that this inline mp3 play­er that allows you to remain on the page to read about the song you’re hear­ing is an imper­a­tive and is indu­bitable. That said, it’s kin­da tough to nav­i­gate Puri­tanb with it.

[A wiz­ard, a true star, and some­thing of a poly­math: thanks Jace.]