Blackmail Is My Life in: Live from Pittsburgh!

Mak­ing no com­mit­ments at the All-Star break. [The sin­gles that keep me teth­ered to real­i­ty as well as ratio­nal­iza­tions, news & notes forth­com­ing. Odd­i­ties and reis­sues also, with mp3s as evidence.]

Liars — Drum’s Not Dead
Boris — Pink
Booka Shade — Movements
Espers — II
Her­bert — Scale
Mat­mos — The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of the Beast
Ghost­face Kil­lah — Fishscale
J Dil­la — Donuts
TV on the Radio — Return to Cook­ie Mountain
Excepter — Alternation

[Unre­lat­ed: Black­mail lost some weight.]