Cryptopsy in: Once Was Not — Negations and Other Pleasantries, Live!

Not my arm, fortunately.


Wed., July 19, 7:30pm. $12. With Left to Van­ish, Killing + Decom­posed. First Uni­tar­i­an Church, 2125 Chest­nut St. 866.468.7619.

Last year’s Once Was Not marked Cryp­top­sy’s tri­umphant return from a five-year hia­tus. A char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly bru­tal yet instru­men­tal­ly mas­ter­ful album rife with with­er­ing gui­tars, drum­mer Flo Mounier’s relent­less blast­beats and some of the grimmest vocals in death met­al, it proved that not only were these French Cana­di­ans not yet ready for his­to­ry’s dust­bin, but they’re play­ing some of the most dynam­ic, fre­net­ic music of their career. So while bands like Sunn 0))) and Boris have enjoyed main­stream recog­ni­tion and crossover suc­cess, Cryp­top­sy have not. Because despite Once Was Not being a stun­ning come­back, it also hap­pens to be a huge crit­i­cal oversight.

[Philadel­phia Week­ly July 12–19]

One response to “Cryptopsy in: Once Was Not — Negations and Other Pleasantries, Live!”

  1. PArker catalano Avatar

    Cryp­top­sy’s new album is very well amde, yet the vocals in cryp­top­sy over­all are in my opin­ion the weak­est link in the group. Their bru­tal lyrics do make up for that in a way how­ev­er, but the tal­enr of the gui­tarist and the drum­mer more than make up for that.