Jewel in: Thorstein Veblen, Screwed ‘n’ Chopped!

Via MTV News:

Nick­elodeon will pre­miere a new car­toon cre­at­ed by, writ­ten by, and star­ring Jew­el this Fall. It’ll be called Punk Rock Angel Girl.

In the series, Punk Rock Angel Girl (PRAG) “dis­cov­ers that a big, face­less cor­po­ra­tion called Mega­corp is try­ing to brain­wash the youth of Amer­i­ca to buy things
that nobody would ever need. Mega­cor­p’s min­ions are dis­guised as celebri­ties — but under­neath, they’re actu­al­ly robots, and if revealed as such, they attack.”

“It’s a face­less net­work con­spir­a­cy to make peo­ple stu­pid,” Jew­el said, accord­ing to MTV news.

Jew­el fur­ther explained: “Punk Rock Angel Girl, or PRAG, she’s just a teenag­er. She’s a punk rock­er, but what I call punk rock is get­ting angry with a cause. A lot of the show is about anger as a trans­for­ma­tion­al, use­ful tool. There’s a dif­fer­ence between pent-up aggres­sion that’s ran­dom­ly expressed — that’s just con­fronta­tion­al with no thought behind it — ver­sus pos­i­tive anger, think­ing for your­self and mak­ing tough decisions.”

Punk Rock Angel Girl’s spe­cial pow­er is her rebel yell: “Punk Rock Angel Girl gets a strange sen­sa­tion when she gets angry, a feel­ing like she needs to throw up, which becomes a yodel as a light­ning bolt comes out of her. These ‘Yel­low Yodel Bolts of Ener­gy’ help PRAG tap into her inner reserves of pow­er — but she also dis­cov­ers that every­one has this pow­er with­in them,” MTV News says.

Still no word on whether P.R.A.G. will con­front Gwen Ste­fani’s L.A.M.B.

4 responses to “Jewel in: Thorstein Veblen, Screwed ‘n’ Chopped!”

  1. Anthony Avatar


  2. stinkcheattorture Avatar

    jew­el was a guest pan­el judge on iron chef some months back. it was a total trans­for­ma­tive cat­a­stro­phe. the food net­work is bad for as many rea­sons as it is good. its cer­tain­ly no place to “become an adult”. there were moments when she so total­ly overeroti­cized the cook­ing that you were left with the con­clu­sion that she only went on the show to cruise for food to fuck. i was skeeved.

  3. Blackmail Avatar

    jew­el endures as the wolf in sheep­’s cloth­ing of the lilith set. i com­plete­ly believed her “intu­ition” video was­n’t meant as cri­tique at all. she’s a char­la­tan, and that’s as char­i­ta­ble as i can be!

    iron chef USA [USA! USA!] seems a like­ly spot for weirdo celeb moments now that celeb pok­er is more or less defunct. thank god for that. but per­haps jew­el was mim­ic­k­ing all the japan­ese actress­es who oohed and aahed through cours­es like a but­ter­fly vibra­tor was did­dling them full tilt?!

  4. The World Jewel Forum Avatar

    What­ev­er hap­pened to this project? They made a pilot. I nev­er found out if it aired or not. Was it can­celed, put on hold, or still in pro­duc­tion. It’s a cool idea. I saw part of the pilot.

    -The World Jew­el Forum at www . Jew­el forum . com