“New Releases” Sounds So Cathartic!

Keanu Reeves

Reflec­tions on the cul­ture wars. It’s just what hap­pens when you put peo­ple who’ve stud­ied labor mar­kets and read Fou­cault and Marx into a retail envi­ron­ment. [via S/FJ ]

More on Lin­klater’s A Scan­ner Dark­ly and Melville’s Army of Shad­ows shortly.

Mean­while, I’m busy with: Dana Spi­ot­ta’s Eat the Doc­u­ment [via Tal­ly Ho Soundsys­tem]; revis­it­ing Thom Yorke’s The Eras­er; select­ed works of Yasu­jiro Ozu.

One response to ““New Releases” Sounds So Cathartic!”

  1. Parker Catalano Avatar

    I havn’t seen the flick yet, but real­ly want to. Have you seen the movie that had the same style of art in it called “Wak­ing Life”. It’s a fuck­ing trip to say the least, and yet it is also one of my favorite movies ever.