2 responses to “SHORT CIRCUIT”

  1. stink/cheat/torture Avatar

    as a peer and neigh­bor i have to say your recent pic­tures cap­ture the grot­ty cool­ness of two street won­der­ful­ly. that robot mur­al is hot as match­es in acid, and the jim mor­ris­son sten­cil graf­fi­tis, though some­what obvi­ous, are pret­ty iconic.

    not shown is the bug­gy-eyed michael jack­son with the word SLEEP. the graf­fi­ti equiv­a­lent of edvard munch.

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    those sten­cils were amaz­ing when they first went up. i don’t under­stand the new john­ny cash sten­cils beneath 95 though…