What’s the frequency, Kenneth?

Yes­ter­day marked the last sum­mer broad­cast of Mari­a’s Her Jazz pro­gram on WPRB. It was only my sec­ond time vis­it­ing the sta­tion and, man, was it ever a great expe­ri­ence. She has the set list here, with my songs list­ed in italics.

I con­cen­trat­ed in the will­ful­ly obscure to share weird, hard to find and out of print music with as many peo­ple as pos­si­ble. Giv­en the chance I’d absolute­ly do it again, and I’d bring along more music!

After­wards, we stopped at Prince­ton Record Exchange and I unloaded all the pro­mos that Philly shops won’t buy. I picked up used lp copies of Robert Frip­p’s Expo­sure [recent­ly reis­sued on cd] and James Chance and the Con­tor­tions’ Live aux Bains Douch­es.