Oh dear.

Rhys Chatham's Essentialist

Rhys Chatham’s Essen­tial­ist @ CEC 9/8/2006

It was actu­al­ly a lit­tle quaint. And Mr. Smith overde­ter­mines the influ­ence of South­ern Lord on Chatham’s set; run­ning through a few rehashed Slay­er and Black Album-era Metal­li­ca riffs is nei­ther avant-garde nor met­al. No. It’s “high cul­ture” slum­ming as “low cul­ture”, which is both pedan­tic and patron­iz­ing. As John Darnielle put it in Deci­bel’s now infa­mous hip­ster met­al round­table:

They start lis­ten­ing to a lit­tle met­al, but they sort of want to describe the met­al in terms that makes it part of their shtick instead of its own uni­verse. Their mode is sort of the gate­way drug to that. It seems a lit­tle intel­lec­tu­al sometimes.

Addi­tion­al­ly, this. And, while I’m at it, this. Oh, the guilt! Is it impos­si­ble to judge met­al on its own mer­its, “art­ful” or oth­er­wise, rather than false­ly ele­vate it in the name of good taste? Sure, it’s a cheap polemic and the eas­i­est way to approach extreme music in a spe­cious man­ner, but it does such a dis­ser­vice to artists who don’t find them­selves adorn­ing the pages of The Times, The New York­er and Art­fo­rum before being accord­ed the respectabil­i­ty they deserve as artists in and of themselves.

That sort of crit­i­cism is bet­ter left to cagey A&R per­son­nel and twitchy PR attachés, hired to devise mar­ket­ing strate­gies for crossover appeal, etc.

One response to “Oh dear.”

  1. Steve Smith Avatar

    Actu­al­ly, I’m with you on the smart-met­al slum­ming. But bear in mind that the Rhys Chatham show I caught and reviewed was­n’t an Essen­tial­ist show, but a respect­ful exhuma­tion of old­er mate­r­i­al, pre-No Wave and Son­ic Youth. As for the rest, I duly report­ed what he said on his MySpace page, and said so.

    How much Chatham’s cur­rent mate­r­i­al has to do with South­ern Lord is com­plete­ly beyond my capac­i­ty to com­ment upon, since I did­n’t catch the band’s new mate­r­i­al at Ton­ic lat­er in the week. Hon­est­ly, I wish I could have — I was pret­ty curi­ous as to what, if any­thing, Chatham might have decon­struct­ed from Sunn O))), Boris and what­not. I don’t know that I’d go so far as to deem his inter­est patron­iz­ing, giv­en that Chatham’s reac­ti­va­tion seems to have hon­est­ly sprung from some like­ness he heard in the South­ern Lord posse — but again, I did­n’t hear it.

    Me, I’m still struck by the fact that the Celtic Frost set I caught last week was way more gut-jud­der­ing than any­thing I’ve heard from the lo-end avan­tists just late­ly. And Mar­tin Eric Ain… was he Gene Sim­mons shocked back to life or what?

    Love yr blog, BTW.

    Yr for­mer Deci­bel colleague,