Rhys Chatham’s Essentialist @ CEC 9/8/2006
It was actually a little quaint. And Mr. Smith overdetermines the influence of Southern Lord on Chatham’s set; running through a few rehashed Slayer and Black Album-era Metallica riffs is neither avant-garde nor metal. No. It’s “high culture” slumming as “low culture”, which is both pedantic and patronizing. As John Darnielle put it in Decibel’s now infamous hipster metal roundtable:
They start listening to a little metal, but they sort of want to describe the metal in terms that makes it part of their shtick instead of its own universe. Their mode is sort of the gateway drug to that. It seems a little intellectual sometimes.
Additionally, this. And, while I’m at it, this. Oh, the guilt! Is it impossible to judge metal on its own merits, “artful” or otherwise, rather than falsely elevate it in the name of good taste? Sure, it’s a cheap polemic and the easiest way to approach extreme music in a specious manner, but it does such a disservice to artists who don’t find themselves adorning the pages of The Times, The New Yorker and Artforum before being accorded the respectability they deserve as artists in and of themselves.
That sort of criticism is better left to cagey A&R personnel and twitchy PR attachés, hired to devise marketing strategies for crossover appeal, etc.
One response to “Oh dear.”
Actually, I’m with you on the smart-metal slumming. But bear in mind that the Rhys Chatham show I caught and reviewed wasn’t an Essentialist show, but a respectful exhumation of older material, pre-No Wave and Sonic Youth. As for the rest, I duly reported what he said on his MySpace page, and said so.
How much Chatham’s current material has to do with Southern Lord is completely beyond my capacity to comment upon, since I didn’t catch the band’s new material at Tonic later in the week. Honestly, I wish I could have — I was pretty curious as to what, if anything, Chatham might have deconstructed from Sunn O))), Boris and whatnot. I don’t know that I’d go so far as to deem his interest patronizing, given that Chatham’s reactivation seems to have honestly sprung from some likeness he heard in the Southern Lord posse — but again, I didn’t hear it.
Me, I’m still struck by the fact that the Celtic Frost set I caught last week was way more gut-juddering than anything I’ve heard from the lo-end avantists just lately. And Martin Eric Ain… was he Gene Simmons shocked back to life or what?
Love yr blog, BTW.
Yr former Decibel colleague,