Auf wiedersehen, adieu, vi ses, etc…

Vox Populi

  • Tomor­row night. TV on the Radio, w/ Griz­zly Bear. Sold out. Pics and sto­ry to follow.
  • Lis­ten in: I Was a Lover
  • You have plans Sun­day night too. Vox Pop­uli is mov­ing, thanks to a wrong­head­ed expan­sion of Philadel­phi­a’s Con­ven­tion Cen­ter. What was eas­i­ly one of the most com­fort­able, most inter­est­ing, and best sound­ing venues in Philadel­phia will be clos­ing it doors, and mov­ing to a new loca­tion, tbd. Pro­ceeds to defray the cost of the move…and you get a beer or two in the bar­gain. Not bad, eh?