Look out honey, cuz I’m using technology!

Rat with radar

The Depart­ed. Dir. by Mar­tin Scorsese.

Why is it not sur­pris­ing that the Amer­i­can ver­sion of this film felt a lit­tle bloat­ed? Damon and Wahlberg in a cop dra­ma set in Boston? Shock­ing! How do you like dem apples indeed! And why Frank Costel­lo, and not just some rel­a­tive­ly anony­mous rack­e­teer? Dude would’ve been dead before the open­ing scene!

Yet what you’ve heard is true. It is Scors­ese’s best since Good­fel­las, and his return to seri­ous good guy/bad guy dra­ma is pret­ty enter­tain­ing if you’re will­ing to look past any num­ber of exag­ger­at­ed per­for­mances. Cred­it Alec Bald­win and Mar­tin Sheen for their sup­port­ing roles as career cops, who, if han­dled dif­fer­ent­ly could’ve been filed under “scenery”. More­over, Leonar­do DiCaprio near­ly fit in Tony Leung’s shoes, albeit minus, grace and ease, charm and wit, and more in the style of a bodice rip­per with a crew cut and a cellphone.