The Departed. Dir. by Martin Scorsese.
Why is it not surprising that the American version of this film felt a little bloated? Damon and Wahlberg in a cop drama set in Boston? Shocking! How do you like dem apples indeed! And why Frank Costello, and not just some relatively anonymous racketeer? Dude would’ve been dead before the opening scene!
Yet what you’ve heard is true. It is Scorsese’s best since Goodfellas, and his return to serious good guy/bad guy drama is pretty entertaining if you’re willing to look past any number of exaggerated performances. Credit Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen for their supporting roles as career cops, who, if handled differently could’ve been filed under “scenery”. Moreover, Leonardo DiCaprio nearly fit in Tony Leung’s shoes, albeit minus, grace and ease, charm and wit, and more in the style of a bodice ripper with a crew cut and a cellphone.