- O.k. so the RSS featured in the meta tag — lower right — works. Comments still appear to be fucked, but that’s getting looked into. Additional changes forthcoming, like an events calendar, last.fm profile, and other Web 2.0 heavy hitters. For clarification purposes, Web 2.0 shouldn’t read like even so much as a tacit endorsement of Bubble 2.0, which seems to be in the offing. Has everyone forgotten say 1999–2001? Is that owed to the cash buzz and consequent coke haze of fin de siècle US of A? [Looks like manufacturing could be the next bubble — unsustainable economic fads, while unreliable, can be exciting, huh?
- Since comments are down, don’t hesitate to be in touch [email top left; now functional] about what you like, and what you’d like to see more of, apart from more writing, which has been insufficient, sporadic and unfocused lately. No excuses.
- Speaking of comments, mine here earned me a very reasonable response from Mr. RffMrkt himself, followed by a pretty sweet ad hominem attack by proxy! And I just stumbled in by chance as a regular Wayne & Wax reader — hell, I even updated my link!
One response to “Quick update.”
sorry that you felt attacked ad hominem (and by proxy!) somewhere in the comments. i don’t see it myself, so perhaps you’re reading too closely. i’m grateful for your participation in the conversation and your regular reading (not to mention the updated link!), so apologies (from me and my proxy) if you felt rather unrewarded, or attacked, for all of that. for real, we’re — that’s me and b — just interesting in talking through these ideas. we’re definitely not into ad hominem attacks, which is partly what motivates us to mount something of a defense of mr.riff-target.