Quick update.

  • O.k. so the RSS fea­tured in the meta tag — low­er right — works. Com­ments still appear to be fucked, but that’s get­ting looked into. Addi­tion­al changes forth­com­ing, like an events cal­en­dar, last.fm pro­file, and oth­er Web 2.0 heavy hit­ters. For clar­i­fi­ca­tion pur­pos­es, Web 2.0 should­n’t read like even so much as a tac­it endorse­ment of Bub­ble 2.0, which seems to be in the off­ing. Has every­one for­got­ten say 1999–2001? Is that owed to the cash buzz and con­se­quent coke haze of fin de siècle US of A? [Looks like man­u­fac­tur­ing could be the next bub­ble — unsus­tain­able eco­nom­ic fads, while unre­li­able, can be excit­ing, huh?
  • Since com­ments are down, don’t hes­i­tate to be in touch [email top left; now func­tion­al] about what you like, and what you’d like to see more of, apart from more writ­ing, which has been insuf­fi­cient, spo­radic and unfo­cused late­ly. No excuses.
  • Speak­ing of com­ments, mine here earned me a very rea­son­able response from Mr. RffM­rkt him­self, fol­lowed by a pret­ty sweet ad hominem attack by proxy! And I just stum­bled in by chance as a reg­u­lar Wayne & Wax read­er — hell, I even updat­ed my link!

One response to “Quick update.”

  1. w&w Avatar

    sor­ry that you felt attacked ad hominem (and by proxy!) some­where in the com­ments. i don’t see it myself, so per­haps you’re read­ing too close­ly. i’m grate­ful for your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the con­ver­sa­tion and your reg­u­lar read­ing (not to men­tion the updat­ed link!), so apolo­gies (from me and my proxy) if you felt rather unre­ward­ed, or attacked, for all of that. for real, we’re — that’s me and b — just inter­est­ing in talk­ing through these ideas. we’re def­i­nite­ly not into ad hominem attacks, which is part­ly what moti­vates us to mount some­thing of a defense of mr.riff-target.