Smoking in the hallway at the Mountain Bar & Grill.

Quick psych, met­al, windswept Aus­tralian folk, drone & dub/twostep roundup:

In progress:

  • Sen­si­ble sum­ma­tion of thoughts on sup­posed teem­ing punk hordes, wait­ing at the post-Bush era gates, and if they mat­ter, or is it all just his­to­ry as mar­ket­ing, or vice ver­sa? Prob­a­bly at Cult­Punk, though maybe the sort of chin­scratch­er best reserved for new “rip­pling” at EMP-type out­let, tbd. Sweet con­cen­tric cir­cles! So ele­gant­ly mistaken!
  • A sto­ry owed Marathon­packs on a 1996 Smash­ing Pumpkins/Garbage show at the Spec­trum that invokes both the Phillies and the Fly­ers with a bruised back to show for it!
  • An essay enti­tled “I Wan­na Be a Philis­tine” on new Amer­i­can cin­e­ma vis-à‑vis Hol­ly­wood-in-cri­sis. Oh dear Marie Antoinette, there are so many who’d so glee­ful­ly replace you now [and have it made as real­i­ty tele­vi­sion, set to air imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing Super Sweet 16.]
  • Pen lovelet­ter to WOEBOT, who does the Lord’s work in a total­ly sec­u­lar way.

For 2.0:

  • Sym­pa­thy for the Under­dog pod­cast [final­ly!]
  • inter­views with artists & authors
  • more & more often.

One response to “Smoking in the hallway at the Mountain Bar & Grill.”

  1. Oliver Avatar

    Even if you don’t want to write a big, epic trea­tise on punk rock and send it my way, it’d be cool — and more than wel­come on my end — if you sub­mit­ted something! 🙂