Do you recall the last time we watched Breathless?

Fishtown warehouse

While I regain consciousness:

  • Grails, w/ Kayo Dot, tonight at Cir­cle Thrift, 2007 Frank­ford Ave.
  • Psy­chic Ills — Ear­ly Vio­lence & Dins
  • Hud­dled beneath the thick, warm, & fuzzy blan­kets of feed­back and reverb: Aso­bi Sek­su & Evangelicals
  • Plague Songs - Wyatt, Eno, Scott Walk­er & Lau­rie Anderson.
  • Sunn o))) & Boris — “Her Lips Were Wet w/ Ven­om” on 2 disc edi­tion of Altar [which iTunes mis­took for Ter­ry Riley’s “In C”]