Nancy Pelosi commenting on The Colbert Report:
“I watch it all the time,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D‑San Francisco), “and I think, ‘Why would anybody go on there?’ ”
Am I alone in thinking that this was the quaintest election in memory? I can think of few things that sound more like a Pyrrhic victory than taking back Congress, especially since the executive branch has circumvented it so easily in the past. Even as exit polls showed a majority of Americans support some form of troop withdrawal from Iraq, Howard Dean addressed the nervous media to say that no such thing will happen on a Democratic watch. The midterm election produced the most conservative Democratic caucus in memory, rife with “blue dogs” and re-branded, ideologically vacant New Dems.
However, a number of popular memes were debunked in the course of the night thanks to the mixed signals the election sent. The political schizophrenia that characterizes a new generation of American voters still holds sway, ranging from absurdly xenophobic [see Arizona] to cautiously optimistic, often in the same state. The USA is not only conservative, but it’s also wildly reactionary.
It’s been said in the past, but it’s worth repeating that the fear-mongering red/blue divide doesn’t hold; American politics lacks that sort of sharp-edged conflict. Instead, American politicians cater to the least informed, most reactionary cohort — the soft middle — and hedge their bets accordingly.
That said, it’s great to see frightening national figures like Rick Santorum go. Yet as go lightning rods like Santorum, so goes much of what fomented burgeoning Democratic opposition. It’s a shame that so much political capital [blech!] was wasted on Senator-elect Casey, Jr. As the war rages on a whole new generation will be subject to a seemingly endless austerity binge. Yet Republicans will return to their chicken little politics of paranoia and woe-is-me martyrdom. Smug, self-satisfied liberals will rest on the laurels of unseating Santorum as though they brought about revolution.
In times like these timid leadership will accomplish nothing. Expect nothing less.
One response to “Well the landslide will bring it down.”
Finally an analysis like my own. Even my close friends who claim to be very left wing are cheering over this election. My comments to bring that back to earth are being ignored!