And therein lies the difference, and therein…

It seems vot­ers reject­ed anti-immi­grant vit­ri­ol when it spewed from the mouths of can­di­dates, but when that same rhetoric came in the face­less form of cit­i­zen’s ini­tia­tives that mixed fis­cal aus­ter­i­ty with xeno­pho­bia — vot­ers swal­lowed the bait. Why should your tax dol­lars go to ser­vices for ille­gal immi­grants? This was the mes­sage that anti-immi­grant forces took to Ari­zo­nans. It was clas­sic Lou Dobbs, class vs. race, and it worked.

Richard Kim exam­ines the new face of Demo­c­ra­t­ic pop­ulism. It’s not pretty.

[Con­verse­ly, John Nichols exer­cis­es his right to wish ful­fill­ment. It’s fair to set aside trends in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty since say 1984, but what­ev­er! I mean, if you ignore Murtha and Ford alto­geth­er, his the­sis is, well, com­plete­ly implausible!]