Oh no love! You’re not alone!

It’s an intro course in lan­guage arts, but here’s Rup­ture suss­ing texts and con­text re Da Capo and oth­er col­lect­ed works with canon­i­cal pretensions:

How is it that the notion of a CD con­tain­ing “The Best Music of 2006” would be pre­pos­ter­ous while the idea of book col­lect­ing “The Best Music Writ­ing of 2006” is read­i­ly accepted?

Is it due to qual­i­ta­tive dif­fer­ences between music and writ­ing? Does author­i­ty swoop down in the gap sep­a­rat­ing (source) art and (sec­ondary) reportage? Is writ­ing about music eas­i­er to rate than music itself? What rhetor­i­cal tech­niques does music jour­nal­ism employ to gain under­stand­ing — or at least the appear­ance of semi­otic con­trol — over sound?

Every anthol­o­gy a ghetto.

2 responses to “Oh no love! You’re not alone!”

  1. 5redpandas Avatar

    The process of choos­ing the texts for these antholo­gies is slight­ly dif­fer­ent than for best of discs. The music is often cho­sen based on sales and pop­u­lar­i­ty, where­as the texts are cho­sen from a wide range of mag­a­zines, with vary­ing lev­els of cir­cu­la­tion, and nar­rowed down by the main edi­tor, then giv­en to the guest edi­tor who choos­es his or her favorites to include. So it comes more down to the edi­tor’s indi­vid­ual guide­lines. And his or her tastes. It’s not demo­c­ra­t­ic at all, of course, and yes, there is a gate­way because the writ­ers in those mag­a­zines passed the first test by get­ting pub­lished in “respect­ed” jour­nals (I’m bas­ing this on the short sto­ries since those are the ones I have read over the years). Per­haps since the short sto­ry is a pre­cious form that is rel­e­gat­ed to spe­cial issues and the lit­tlest of lit­tle mag­a­zines it does not ini­tial­ly seem as irk­some an idea to col­lect the “best” as it might to col­lect the best music, but then you see the same writ­ers over and over again. It can become agra­vat­ing espe­cial­ly know­ing that until you have an agent your work will prob­a­bly not be read at all and if it is, and reject­ed, you won’t find out for about 4 months any­way. What a great sys­tem. I guess it weeds out the faint­heart­ed. This prob­a­bly does­n’t have any­thing to do with what you’re get­ting at but oh well!

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    No I think you’re pret­ty much right on the mark. I think that’s what Jace/Rupture was get­ting at too actu­al­ly, but to him one was just a lit­tle more absurd­ly racial­ized than the other.