It must’ve happened when Yow shaved Westie’s beard.

Down­load: Geisha — Acci­dents [Cru­cial Blast Records]

Since I don’t usu­al­ly start threads on ILM, Scott start­ed one for me [Con­fi­den­tial to Scott: please save some of your spas­tic prose for your blog!] This one is about nu-pig­fuck bands like Clock­clean­er, Pissed Jeans…and prac­ti­cal­ly the entire Cru­cial Blast ros­ter. Nu-pig­fuck has been an emer­gent trend, but since Pissed Jeans signed to Sub Pop, the post Touch & Go arms race was on! Hint, hint…

Is this an attempt by labels to hedge bets and get the sound­track rights for pop­u­lar dis­sent, or just some­thing that hap­pens any­time some­one named Bush is Pres­i­dent? If not, then it’s the music that’ll help kill any debate about pop­ulism popism.

[That’s not meant as an endorse­ment of either side — I per­son­al­ly think that if the ear­ly nineties are any indi­ca­tion, the time is right for this sort of thing. That’s also part of what makes me sad about it.]