But everyone still worships at the Church of Springsteen ’75!

I’m with this guy. I guess com­par­ing the Hold Steady’s Boys and Girls in Amer­i­ca to Count­ing Crows ca. This Desert Life is too embar­rass­ing a propo­si­tion for most crit­ics, since they’d have to admit that they’d heard it in the first place.

2 responses to “But everyone still worships at the Church of Springsteen ’75!”

  1. Mike Avatar

    I will nev­er under­stand the big deal about this band.

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    I don’t often par­tic­i­pate in back­lash­es, but man, I can think of few bands more deserv­ing. Cred­it is due their pub­li­cists who’ve spoon fed every angle to hun­gry media out­lets [it’s the lyrics! no, it’s their past work! they’re Mid­west­ern­ers who are innate­ly more attuned to the Amer­i­can Spir­it!], as well as suc­cess­ful­ly eas­ing the tran­si­tion from “It’s a bar band! Cool! Who said rock is dying?” to “We were nev­er a bar band, losers! What made you think that in the first place?”

    This is a case of cul­tur­al amne­sia, plain and sim­ple. Not every band has to be unique, aspire to Deep Mean­ing or be part of some avant garde move­ment, but has any­one writ­ten about them with­out using superlatives?