I’m with this guy. I guess comparing the Hold Steady’s Boys and Girls in America to Counting Crows ca. This Desert Life is too embarrassing a proposition for most critics, since they’d have to admit that they’d heard it in the first place.
I’m with this guy. I guess comparing the Hold Steady’s Boys and Girls in America to Counting Crows ca. This Desert Life is too embarrassing a proposition for most critics, since they’d have to admit that they’d heard it in the first place.
2 responses to “But everyone still worships at the Church of Springsteen ’75!”
I will never understand the big deal about this band.
I don’t often participate in backlashes, but man, I can think of few bands more deserving. Credit is due their publicists who’ve spoon fed every angle to hungry media outlets [it’s the lyrics! no, it’s their past work! they’re Midwesterners who are innately more attuned to the American Spirit!], as well as successfully easing the transition from “It’s a bar band! Cool! Who said rock is dying?” to “We were never a bar band, losers! What made you think that in the first place?”
This is a case of cultural amnesia, plain and simple. Not every band has to be unique, aspire to Deep Meaning or be part of some avant garde movement, but has anyone written about them without using superlatives?