Listen: Moha! — C5 [Rune Grammophon, 2006]
Unlike other Rune Grammophon artists Supersilent and Shining, Moha! stayed well under the radar, although they got a passing mention in Brandon Stosuy’s piece on Øyafestivalen. Their halting, spastic improvisation sounds far denser than two people might possibly create with just percussion and guitar. Yet as “C5” illustrates, Moha! whip up frenzy in a way that would make Orthrelm jealous. Atop apopletic drumming, guitarist Anders Hana plays spiky riffs while his phrasing oscillates between reckless and razor sharp. Neither tuneless nor tedious, Moha!‘s Raus aus Stavanger coolly combines rigor and play, somehow balancing equal parts Oslo and Detroit.
[This is the first part of a multi-part, unordered list to sort through the promo rubble that’s accumulated on my desk and cluttered my desktop in 2006. With luck, I’ll post a track or two daily to keep pace with year end obligations. Of course, if I’m invited to participate in this, I may end up reshuffling the deck a bit.]