So she resorted to more drastic measures and called his bluff.

Jay‑Z may be get­ting cred­it for the great rock-n-roll swin­dle of 2006, but it’s hard to deny that Bey­once and her boo did­n’t cre­ate a media shit­storm to beat all this year. As Mr. San­neh points out, it may be dif­fi­cult to bal­ance that dra­ma and a career, but Bey­once, stun­ning yet vul­ner­a­ble, gen­er­ates more excite­ment than any oth­er woman in pop music today, hands down. Ques­tions about whether or not she’s still with H.O.V.A. only ampli­fy her allure. “Ring the Alarm” has her tee­ter­ing on the brink, uncer­tain of her foot­ing, fight­ing rumor and innu­en­do from all sides, a trem­bling David to Jay’s cock­sure Goliath.

Unlike the cries for help pub­lic­i­ty stunts that have late­ly gob­bled up newsprint every­where, Bey­on­ce’s unfor­tu­nate­ly titled B’Day deserves praise for mar­ry­ing real tur­bu­lence to her art, while Jay’s just shilling bougie brewskis.