We argued the meaning of “White Christmas.”

Lis­ten: Ken­ny Rogers — Ken­tucky Home­made Christmas

I’m def­i­nite­ly start­ing to feel the hol­i­day spir­it, just not for Imaad Wasif. I pre­fer my hol­i­day favorites schmaltzy and loud. If you’re going to be sen­ti­men­tal, make them drunk­en, mawk­ish affairs. But then again, I grew up lis­ten­ing to this, John­ny Math­is and Anne Mur­ray on a crack­ly cas­settes, more or less non­stop dur­ing Decem­ber. Keep in mind that I still regret not being invit­ed to the Rogers & Mur­ray Christ­mas con­cert that proved the Val­ley Forge Music Fair’s swan song.

[Inci­den­tal­ly, Ken­ny’s spo­ken word on “When a Child is Born” is a com­plete­ly amaz­ing arti­fact of Rea­gan era race relations.]