We should probably talk about priorities.

Wel­come to 2007, right? Sor­ry for my extend­ed absence, but lets say that a New Year’s Day rain­storm com­bined with a post­poned Mum­mer’s Day Parade for an impromp­tu move to the new place that’s just about ended.

A few admin­is­tra­tive things:

  • Over the course of the extend­ed absence, I’d hoped to post my Idol­a­tor Jackin’ Pop bal­lot. Due to a tech glitch, mine and sev­er­al oth­ers were lost. How much would Scott Walk­er have ben­e­fit­ed from the hang­ing chads we may nev­er know.
  • The much talked about, lit­tle seen doc­u­men­tary The Shame of a City is more than a lit­tle ten­den­tious. Sure, May­or Street isn’t warm, cud­dly or eth­i­cal, but Sam Katz looks like such a doo­fus that you can see why he lost twice con­sec­u­tive­ly [see “strut­ting” down Two Street as evi­dence.] The tedious slow-motion mon­tages don’t help much either.
  • Last­ly, this is com­plete­ly amazing.

2 responses to “We should probably talk about priorities.”

  1. dominic Avatar

    employ­ee cost at c**********: $1,676.34. add 3% for cred­it card pur­chas­es. if only i had some mon­ey or desire to sit in front of a tv for more than an hour at a time now that col­lege foot­ball sea­son is over. hey, how about them broncos?

  2. Blackmail Avatar

    wow. we got a pret­ty good deal on our own per­son­al jum­botron. nev­er­the­less, even with instal­la­tion, headaches ensue. dear sony/comcast — please make hdmi eas­i­er to set up w/o assis­tance! i am look­ing for­ward to dv‑r though. way less “our coun­try” dur­ing the playoffs!