I keep you hanging on.

  • My lat­est review at Paper Thin Walls is up. If you did­n’t catch Kirb & Chris then, don’t miss ’em now. Set up an account and com­ment! What bet­ter way to take part in Web 2.0. Live up to the great expec­ta­tions Time Mag­a­zine set for “you.”
  • Col­lect­ing my thoughts on Chil­dren of Men. In a word: wow.
  • Just heard Marnie Stern’s In Advance of the Bro­ken Arm. More on that soon.
  • After much encour­age­ment and a five year hia­tus from the game, Black­mail Is My Life eyes a return to the acad­e­my for Fall 2008. I promise not to make friends call me “Dr. J.” Pinky swear.
  • Last­ly, Fri­day looks like as good a day as any to unload an avalanche of pro­mo discs on Prince­ton Record Exchange.