The Night of the Hunter vanquished Charles Laughton.

In an effort to keep tabs on 2007 favorites, I’m going to try to post lists of them on a month­ly basis. Here goes, in no par­tic­u­lar order:

  • Times New Viking — Present the Pais­ley Reich [Silt­breeze]
  • Andrew Bird — Arm­chair Apoc­rypha [Fat Possum]
  • Antibalas — Secu­ri­ty [Anti-]
  • I’m From Barcelona — Let Me Intro­duce My Friends [Mute]
  • Of Mon­tre­al — Hiss­ing Fau­na, Are You the Destroy­er? [Polyvinyl]
  • Loney, Dear — Loney, Noir [Sub Pop]
  • Ortho­dox — Gran Poder [South­ern Lord]
  • Deer­hunter — Cryp­tograms [Kranky]
  • Shin­ing — Grind­stone [Rune Grammophon]
  • Deer­hoof — Friend Oppor­tu­ni­ty [5RC/KRS]
  • Marnie Stern — In Advance of the Bro­ken Arm [Kill Rock Stars]
  • Peter Bjorn & John — Writer’s Block [Almost Gold]
  • LCD Soundsys­tem — Sound of Sil­ver [DFA]
  • Tim­ba­land — Presents Shock Val­ue [Inter­scope]
  • Elec­tre­lane — No Shouts, No Calls [Too Pure]

I’m already sur­prised by how much indie rock has already entered this chart, but the Swedish inva­sion, which to me isn’t as self-impor­tant as its tune­ful Cana­di­an coun­ter­part, has real­ly cap­ti­vat­ed my imag­i­na­tion. It just took a lit­tle while to sink in, explain­ing the inclu­sion of records that were tech­ni­cal­ly released last year but will reach Amer­i­can shores and shops in March. Of course, now that I’ve writ­ten it, I’ll be no doubt unex­pect­ed­ly floored by Arcade Fire’s new record, at which time I’ll make a for­mal apol­o­gy to their homeland.

More impor­tant than those “dis­cov­er­ies,” I’m sim­ply heart­ened to see so much music here, doubt­less inspired by the idio­syn­crasies and edi­to­r­i­al habits at Paper Thin Walls, which have intro­duced music to me that I would­n’t have oth­er­wise sought out. Judg­ing by this list, 2007 is shap­ing up to be anoth­er inter­est­ing year. I say “inter­est­ing” because rather than make a fee­ble attempt at hear­ing every­thing, I’m hap­py to lis­ten to dif­fer­ent and new stuff, even pick­ing up with a few well-estab­lished artists like Andrew Bird and Antibalas, as well as reac­quaint myself with an old favorite like Of Mon­tre­al, who’d gone off my radar since the col­lapse of all things Ele­phant 6.

Per­haps best of all is news that Elec­tre­lane will release a new record — their last one, Axes, gar­nered my top rank­ing in 2005 — so expec­ta­tions are high. What will be dis­ap­point­ing is the SXSW after­math dur­ing which the music indus­try cools and slows to a glacial pace, leav­ing only col­lege bas­ket­ball and spring train­ing to shake off win­ter’s lin­ger­ing dol­drums until late sum­mer when the CMJ fes­ti­val cranks up the hype machine again.

Last­ly, in case it seems disin­gen­u­ous to sim­ply post these artists and albums with­out much com­ment, I has­ten to add that I’m review­ing [and inter­view­ing] three of them for Paper Thin Walls and I hope to col­lect my thoughts on sev­er­al oth­ers in the near term. As always I’ll be sure to post links, etc. Right now I’m late to see Vashti Bunyan!

2 thoughts on “The Night of the Hunter vanquished Charles Laughton.

  1. Sure­ly the best news here is that Shin­ing has a new record com­ing out! That said, the Deer­hunter record is pret­ty won­der­ful and I look for­ward to both Elec­tre­lane and Times New Viking. Can’t say the same for Of Mon­tre­al, which fur­thers (to my ears any­way) their schiz­o­phrenic tra­jec­to­ry informed more by the Fiery Fur­naces than Ele­phant 6. For oth­ers that might read like a sell, but I have trou­ble main­tain­ing interest.

  2. This Of Mon­tre­al record pieces togeth­er New Pornog­ra­phers and Fiery Fur­naces to me, which sounds like it should have broad appeal. Addi­tion­al­ly, the pro­duc­tion val­ues have increased con­sid­er­ably since I last tuned in and I think they sound much bet­ter for it.

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