Even drunks know better than to behave like this.

What’s in your RSSe­nal? I’m look­ing for more and bet­ter out­lets for new video and mp3 con­tent. I’m look­ing to expand my cat­e­go­rized links with the new Word­Press and I’d like to pay clos­er atten­tion to hyped blogs to save myself the embar­rass­ment of mak­ing pub­lic pleas like this going for­ward. So if you’re feel­ing gen­er­ous, leave me a com­ment, endorse­ment, whathavey­ou. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Even drunks know better than to behave like this.

  1. Aw thanks! Glad to see you back in the blo­gos­phere, as well as real life! Sor­ry I could­n’t vis­it longer, but I lis­tened to that Heck­er record this morn­ing and was very sur­prised. [I mean, I kin­da new I’d like it, but it was way more dynam­ic than I expected.]

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