There are many, many opinions on the matter.

[Video via Angry Cit­i­zen]

Remem­ber when I men­tioned that thing about David Cross and Stephen Malk­mus? Well, it was an effort in hunt­ing triv­ia for Mr. Cross to use dur­ing the Inside the Rock­er’s Stu­dio seg­ment of the 2007 PLUG Awards at which SM received a life­time achieve­ment award.

Over­all, reac­tions seem mixed at best, rang­ing from “David Cross is awe­some” to “The quiz por­tion was painful­ly awk­ward.” But when you con­sid­er that I went “Mis­sion Accom­plished” unpaid and on a twen­ty-four hour turn­around, you can’t do much bet­ter. Do you think it’s bad form to hyper­link YouTube on your résumé?

As an aside, it’s worth not­ing that what­ev­er Pave­men­t’s lega­cy may be, it will cer­tain­ly remain mys­te­ri­ous. Apart from some rare footage, both the Slow Cen­tu­ry DVD and Per­fect Sound For­ev­er are worth­less doc­u­ments for any­one with more than a sur­face inter­est in Pave­ment and what fol­lowed. More­over, since Mike Bond’s amaz­ing Acid Casu­al­ties web­site went tits up there’s no reli­able archive of Pave­ment and Malk­mus ephemera any­where online.

2 thoughts on “There are many, many opinions on the matter.

  1. James says:

    “Apart from some rare footage, both the Slow Cen­tu­ry DVD and Per­fect Sound For­ev­er are worth­less doc­u­ments for any­one with more than a sur­face inter­est in Pave­ment and what followed.”

    You’re not kid­ding. I liked the live clips, but I was shocked that Slow Cen­tu­ry had so lit­tle to say about the band. I thought PSF was a bit bet­ter, but I read between the lines and guessed the mem­bers of the band (Kan­nen­berg except­ed) did­n’t want to divulge much. The fanzine press clip­pings were ter­rif­ic though.

    The Jicks at Maxwell’s were a blast. Weiss is in the pock­et and giv­ing the band a brand new drive.

  2. I was sure I’d be able to write off the new Malk­mus album, but he seems to be the king of sec­ond chances now that he’s no longer the prince of indie rock. The last Jicks gig I saw was com­plete­ly unin­spired. Not even fun­ny real­ly. And man do I miss Acid Casu­al­ties. That was a good way to spark inter­est among the faith­ful at least. I lis­ten to Pave­ment and Malk­mus so rarely any more [and not much for since Pig Lib real­ly] that it’s hard to get excit­ed about new material.

    I had hoped that my con­tri­bu­tion to the PLUG Awards show would’ve been to inject a bit of the good ol’ days by get­ting friends to help me put togeth­er inter­est­ing, fun­ny triv­ia pieces. Or at least remind me of my Pave­ment fan­dom in some weird way. But as you point out, the band would­n’t have gone for any of this garbage were it not for Spi­ral Stairs dog­ging them about doing it.

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