You can tell so much just from the book’s meticulous index.

  • Pro­fess love for Marnie Stern’s In Advance of the Bro­ken Arm [see above] despite miss­ing her house show in West Philly tonight. See also, minus con­cert-going: Ortho­dox’s Gran Poder, Deer­hoof’s Friend Oppor­tu­ni­ty.
  • Come to appre­ci­ate Pazz & Jop com­ment joke about U.S. out­sourc­ing pop to Cana­da, Swe­den. [Link?]
  • Vis­it friends in New York City tomor­row, take pic­tures, enjoy “warm” weath­er, Bur­ri­toville, Brook­lyn lager.
  • Final­ly fin­ish Flaubert’s Par­rot. Bet­ter under­stand dimin­ish­ing returns of pro­long­ing enjoy­ment of books, movies, albums through pro­cras­ti­na­tion and ignorance.
  • Fin­ish review­ing Shin­ing’s “Win­ter­reise.” Explain “death jazz” con­cept to friends, fam­i­ly. Bask in Jor­gen Munke­by’s bril­liance. [Thanks for the love­ly interview!]
  • Real­ize that it’s Fri­day again.