If you wouldn’t mind, please contact my people.

Marathon­packs’ Eric Har­vey tries to unpack what both­ers him about Girl Talk. I’ll sim­ply refer you to this post at Riff Mar­ket, which more or less sums up my feel­ings about Girl Talk. It’s a “sub­tle­ty” that Eric miss­es out on, anoth­er inter­me­di­ary lay­er for Girl Talk’s “pub­lic” per­sona, the irony here being that we have an artist who flaunts copy­rights and assumes a “secret” iden­ti­ty* meant to set him apart from indie careerists, pro­tect his job secu­ri­ty, whathaveyou,  mak­ing him a cross between Clark Kent and Jem, who then relies on com­plex of han­dlers to main­tain his image and lim­it media access. They’ll even instruct you on what you’re allowed to dis­cuss in inter­views! Hooray for the Infor­ma­tion Age!
*[Results 110 of about 140,000 for greg gillis girl talk. (0.36 seconds)]

One response to “If you wouldn’t mind, please contact my people.”

  1. stink/cheat/torture Avatar

    That’s a hoot.

    There’s some­thing sus­pct about Girl Talk I’ve nev­er been able to put my fin­ger on, but that allows me to hate on him anyway–strange because I should love his stuff. The Night Rip­per record feels more like a cal­cu­lat­ed crate binge than an autonomous piece of dance music. Expe­cial­ly when set against some­thing the like the old Shad­ow or that Avalances record. You keep wait­ing for a trans­for­ma­tive moment that just nev­er arrives. I won­der if the pub­li­cist knows he works for the Rich Lit­tle of the hip­ster mash-up set…