There are times when cannibalism seems like a rational choice.

If you had­n’t checked it recent­ly, Alt-Week­ly Death­watch is pick­ing up steam. They point out David Car­r’s recent arti­cle cel­e­brat­ing a year’s worth of chaos at the Vil­lage Voice and its fam­i­ly of publications.

How long before there’s a death­watch on first gen­er­a­tion mp3 blogs? Or all the web­sites that emu­lat­ed Pitch­fork and did­n’t get on the adver­tis­ing gravy train ear­ly enough, at least not before those first gen­er­a­tion mp3 blogs snagged that cash [or payola?]

UPDATE: Some­one at the New Times home office total­ly checks all blogs that men­tion Alt-Week­ly Death­watch! This is me say­ing hul­lo dere read­er!