Is it me, or will SXSW birth about zero buzz acts this year? Am I getting this sense because I’m reading the most boring industry blogs around [read: all of them?] Most read as though they’re not only written in a haze of exhaustion [understandable, all things considered], but also out of a basic sense of obligation [read: self-preservation] more than effervescent enjoyment, much less critical thought.
The overall mood is reminiscent of David Cross’ Bhopal character from Mr. Show, a sallow Asian child chained to a typewriter in a murky basement, writing scripts in sweatshop conditions. SXSW seems to have brought that freewheeling spirit of capitalism and bad marketing to reproduce SPIN’s loathesome “journalistic” model of pictures and captions. Are we having fun yet?
And can we cool it with all the pictures and mentions of barbecue? We get it: the food is good. There’s lots of traffic. It’s hectic and sweaty and crowded. A convention is a convention is a convention. Tell me more about the music!
[Lastly, who doesn’t have a party at this thing these days? Has everyone become a B2B [blog to blog] salesman?]