We frequently recite scenes from Back to the Future.

Hate to burst the Mir­a­cle Fortress bub­ble, but when all the usu­al sus­pects start shout­ing in the echo cham­ber, mak­ing com­par­isons to oth­er bands float­ing in the same End­less Sum­mer hype cycle [Pan­da Bear (love!) and Besnard Lakes (meh!)], it can all be a bit much. And a bit samey, don’t you think? I don’t mind the Jason Lytle vocals, but then they’re just Jason Lytle vocals in the end.

As an aside does any­one else remem­ber how embar­rass­ing Mag­net Mag­a­zine was when it came to a pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion of Beach Boys-esque bands on the run? You know, like how Apples in Stereo and Ele­phant 6 were going to take over the world? We’re still waiting.

3 thoughts on “We frequently recite scenes from Back to the Future.

  1. yeah, well usu­al sus­pects aside, while Gra­ham got a kick out see­ing Jace do those Beach Boys cov­ers at Pop Mon­tre­al with Patrick Wat­son, and loves Ani­mal Col­lec­tive, the record is actu­al­ly real­ly quite good, and defin­tiely inno­v­a­tive. not every­thing sounds like Bri­an Wilson…there’s just as much Before and After Sci­ence and My Bloody Valen­tine going on, too. but it sounds like you’re blam­ing the usu­al sus­pects more than the music… besides, the next Mir­a­cle Fortres album is going to sound like Daft Punk anyway.

    biased but with­out shame,

  2. I’ll meet you halfway. If you sub­scribe to Brook­lyn Veg­an, Goril­la vs. Bear and My Old Ken­tucky Blog, you’d be amazed at how they’ve all post­ed the same item with­in min­utes of each oth­er, with­out any mean­ing­ful crit­i­cal assess­ment. It screams con­duit for sale.

    In fair­ness to Mir­a­cle Fortress, the music isn’t bad, but it’s just not that good. Of all the inter­est­ing indie bands out of Cana­da, this just does­n’t strike a chord with me. I may give it anoth­er lis­ten, but I’m not real­ly sure that I’ll hear any­thing I did­n’t the first run through.

    [Also, cit­ing Eno and My Bloody Valen­tine does­n’t help matters.]

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